






The main objectives of MTMA Bangalore Cluster are:

  1. To promote, protect and support the industries for the manufacture of and the trade and commerce in Machine Tools cluster and related industry such as, Small Tools, Cutting Tools and Machine Tools Accessories (hereinafter referred to as 'these industries") in India and to consider all questions connected with such manufacture, trade and commerce.

  2. To constitute and maintain a central organisation for co-operation between all these industries and trade.
    To render assistance and advise to Members and to promote and further mutual assistance between technical and industrial matters. Coordinate with Government or Departments or officials of Government or to any other commercial and industrial bodies in respect of any matter pertaining to trade, commerce, manufacture in general and Machine Tool industry in particular.
    To institute, finance, encourage, develop and carry on all kinds of scientific and economic research relating to these industries.

  3. Create infrastructure facility or upgrade infrastructure facility needed for development of these industries, to start with in Bangalore

  4. Receive fund from GOI and other agencies as well as financial institutes as grants, aids, borrowing and in any other form to set up infrastructure for these Industries, directly or through Indian Machine Tool manufacturers association (IMTMA). Manage, maintain, operate infrastructure facility created, directly or indirectly through other associations and agencies

  5. Transfer partly or wholly infrastructure facility created through funds received from Govt, and through self generation and any other agencies for its management on self sustaining basis to other associations having similar objects.

  6. To make arrangements with suitable industry bodies to conduct training programmes, workshops, seminars and conferences for the benefit of the Machine Tool and also the Machine Tool user industries.

  7. Collect and disseminate statistical and other information securing the promotion of the objects of the Association and to make efforts for the spread of commercial, technical and industrial and economic knowledge.

  8. To encourage, assist and extend knowledge and information connected with trade, commerce and industries whether by or through lecture, discussions, seminars, formation of libraries, publication of papers, periodicals, journals, catalogues, books, maps, or any kind of general or special lecture or foundation or endowment of professorship or scholarship or by encouraging research work To promote education, and /or to develop technical education, or/and to establish or/and to assist the establishment of institutions to impart technical education for promotion and development of industry and also to organize common service facilities for technical, management training.

  9. To carry on publicity and propaganda for the purpose of educating the public with regard to the scope, importance and need of these industries.

  10. To establish separate committees and departments of the Association for the purpose of research work, or work connected with sale, purchase, distribution, import, and export and for such other purposes as are specified in the objects of the Association.

  11. To subscribe, to become a member of and cooperate with any other association or Chamber of Commerce whether incorporated or not whose objects are Wholly or Partly or identical or similar to those of this Association and to procure from and to communicate to any such Association or Chamber such information as is likely to further the objects of the Association.

  12. To invest the money of the Association or the funds of the Association in such manner as in such assets, properties, Securities, shares, deposits or any investments of any kinds whatsoever including immovable properties of any tenure as from time to time be determined by the committee of the Association; and from time to time to sell or vary all or any such assets, properties, securities, shares, deposits or such investments and execute all assignments, transfers, \receipts and documents that may be necessary in this behalf.

  13. To borrow or raise money required for the purpose of the Association upon such terms and in such manner and upon such securities as may be determined and in particular by the issue of debentures charged upon all or any of the properties of the Association.

  14. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange or otherwise any lands, buildings, easement rights in common or property moveable or immovable and to let out, demise, mortgage, sell, give in exchange, or dispose of the same or any part thereof.

  15. To charge, collect, recover and receive fees, surcharge and other sums of money from the member, for the services rendered.

  16. To accept any bequest, gift, donation or subscription for promoting any of the objects of the Association or the benefit of any staff or employee of the Association towards or to accumulate and provide a fund or an endowment and to invest the same and apply the income arising there from or to resort to the capital thereof for any of the objects of the Association.

  17. To establish and support and/ or aid in the establishment and support of Association, institutions, funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees of the Association or the dependants or connections of such persons, and grant pensions and allowances and to make payments towards insurance and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects.

  18. To do all or any of the above things in any part of the world as principals, agents, trustees or otherwise and by/or through trustees, agents or otherwise or either alone or in conjunction with other.

  19. To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, bills of lading and other negotiable or transferable instruments and to buy, sell and hold Government of India promissory notes, Port Trust and Municipal Debentures and other securities.

To do all other lawful things as may be conducive or incidental for the preservation or extension of the trade, commerce and manufactures connected with these Industries and trade in general and incidental to those objects and other objects set forth in this Memorandum of Association.
